Where can I take the test?

Foodprint®, the Food Intolerance test from Cambridge Nutritional Sciences is the first step in identifying which foods may be causing an inappropriate immune response using a simple blood test.

Consult with your health practitioner to discuss whether the Foodprint® test might be helpful in your case.
In a few simple steps, you can find out what foods might be affecting your health.

Give a blood sample

Your sample is analysed by one of our accredited laboratories

After a few days, you should receive your personal test results from your health practitioner, along with personalised nutrition guidance to help you make necessary dietary changes and achieve optimum health.

If you need further help with your diet, you can contact our Nutrition team here

For more information about the Foodprint® test and to book your appointment, please contact the nearest clinic or laboratory by checking the accredited locations below, It is available at Laboratories and Clinics across the Middle East including UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, and Tunisia.

Take The Test